Our Team

Mihaela Elhaj

Mihaela started her path as a healer when she was only 16 years old. She spent years of her life learning ang practicing different healing modalities driven by the desire to help people. “Everyone deserves to have someone by their side when they are hurting”, she says. Unconditional love and compassion are a natural state of being for her and that makes it easy to hold space full of sacredness and free of judgement for any of her clients.

To get to know her better, check: www.mihaela-elhaj.com

Qaesar Elhaj

Qaesar has practiced and thought Tai Chi for over 30 years. He successfully combines the knowledge of the body mechanics, energy flow with his innate gift of healing touch. His goal is to support everyone to move easily, efficiently and without pain.

To get to know him better, please access: www.taointegration.com