Cacao Ceremony

A cacao ceremony is an opportunity for people to come together in an intentional space and enjoy drinking ceremonial cacao whilst setting new intentions, sharing heart-felt insights, and being led through a meditation or visualization.

Cacao ceremonies are certainly not new. People in south and central America, especially the Mayan and Aztec cultures, have been enjoying, initiating and sharing cacao ceremonies for thousands of years. Archaeological evidence of cacao’s use dates back to 3,900 years ago in Central America, and recent genetic evidence dates cacao’s use to 5,300 years ago in the Amazon.

Traditionally, these ceremonies were to help communities unite, share, connect and also seed positive intentions and manifestations for the coming natural cycles to help produce healthy crops and abundance in all forms. Above all though, cacao was also used for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes for inner awakening and creative guidance.

Cacao is very revered in these ancient cultures, even today. To this day, many cultures still use cacao ceremonially and more recently, this ancient knowledge and the practices have been carried to the western world especially in holistic, spiritual and wellness communities.

A cacao ceremony is a beautiful opportunity to connect with yourself on a deeper level and with those sharing the ceremony journey alongside you. The cacao offers great insights, creativity and inspiration. It is also well known for its heart opening properties and also its mood-boosting effects, so it can be quite a lively and euphoric experience! Cacao ceremonies also offer an opportunity for deep healing, for introspection, goal setting, self love and transformation.